Thank you and welcome to the Bill and Lorna Boyd Charitable Trust Donation and Gift Page.

If you would like to make a donation or gift to the Trust using PayPal please complete the form below and press the donate button at the foot of the page-You will be taken to the PayPal page to complete your transaction:

If you would prefer to donate or gift other than by credit card simply contact the trustees using the form Here and we will contact you directly.

For your further information-

The registration number of the trust is CC21574 and has both donor and donee status for tax purposes.

The primary objective of the trust and the aim of this very special literary project is for Year 4 children (8-9 year olds) in low decile schools to personally receive their own copy from a Rotarian or Inner Wheel member at a designated school presentation. It is an important aspect of the program for each student to write their own name in their book at the presentation, so that they publicly take ownership of this dictionary and hopefully treasure it as a special gift given to them especially.

Thank You

Donation Information

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Tribute Gift

Check here to donate in honor or memory of someone

Donor Information

First Name:
Last Name:
Please do not display my name publicly. I would like to remain anonymous